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In 1933, God placed it on the hearts of the early Pentecostals in Jefferson County to form this church.
From the humble beginnings of the “cottage prayer meetings” in the Smallwood home on the north side
of Route 340 to the “church on the hill” to our present accommodations, Jesus has established His
church and the gates of Hell have not prevailed against it.

From 1960-1976, the pastor was M.C. Scott from Ohio. He, his wife and two children moved here where
they immediately set about working to improve the church facilities and building the congregation. The
church began growing steadily under the leadership of Pastor & Sis. Scott. Attendance rose quickly from an average of 80 in 1960 to 131 in 1964. Also, during this time, major projects were done to the “church on the hill” to improve the church with much of the work donated by various individuals in the
congregation. In early summer of 1969, a week-long revival lasted seven weeks during which time 45
souls were saved, 23 were baptized in the Holy Spirit, many miracles of healing were reported, and the
church was packed to capacity every night. The revival of 1969 not only revitalized the Bolivar church
but left a lasting impact on the congregation for years afterwards. The expansion of Route 340 had an
impact on the church. This expansion would force the demolition of the building the congregation had
worshipped in for nearly 40 years. Land was purchased just down the hill from the original location from
John and June Newcomer. The land was located adjacent to the church parsonage. Land was also
purchased across the road from the church for parking and a possible future parsonage. Construction
began on the new church in 1971 with much of the labor donated by various members of the
congregation and people in the community. After two years of sacrificial giving and volunteer labor the
new church was dedicated in April 1973. In August 1976, Pastor and Sister Scott, feeling the leading of
the Lord in a different direction, relinquished the pastorate of the Bolivar church.
From 1976-1985, the pastor was Pastor Samuel B. Miller from Ohio. He, his wife and infant son moved
here where they focus on the challenge of reaching out in the community. After the purchase of a 40-
passenger bus, a bus ministry was launched in June of 1977. On the first Sunday, a total of 23 were on
board the bus giving a big boost to the Sunday School and the Thursday evening youth service. The bus ministry became an integral part of the church outreach ministry bringing in dozens of children to
Sunday School and youth services. In September 1979, a transition was made from the bus to the
purchase of a Dodge passenger van. In June of 1977, a ten-mile walk-a-thon was initiated to help raise
funds to send children to the annual youth camp in August at Roanoke, VA. The walk-a-thon was a
success sending seventeen young people to camp and became an annual event. On June 11, 1978,
Pastor M.C. Scott returned as an invited guest for the burning of the mortgage note. It was a wonderful
time of rejoicing that the church was now completely debt free. April 2-6, 1979, Bolivar church played an
active part in the first Jefferson County Crusade for Christ held at Wright Denny School auditorium. The
crusade was a success and, for Bolivar, it caught a missionary vision for the world at large that has
continued to thrive and grow to the present day. On June 29, 1980, Mrs. Cathy Lee, a sister to Pastor’s
Miller’s wife, was visiting with other family members at the church. Mrs. Lee had been stricken with
multiple sclerosis resulting in blindness in both eyes for over a year. Ms. Lee went forward for prayer for
healing at the end of the morning worship service. As she was anointed with oil and prayed for, she
began to see the amplifiers sitting on the platform. The following week, her eyesight continued to
improve and she was able to drive a car by the following Wednesday – a miraculous healing!! In August 1980, a translucent spire and gold cross mounted on a cupola measuring 27 feet 7 inches in height was erected on the church roof. For seven years, Pastor Miller wrote and directed an annual Christmas play.

The young adults and teenagers were the actors/actresses. The plays became an annual highlight for the church. In 1984, Bolivar church undertook the building of an outdoor pavilion. The pavilion was dedicated in the spring of 1985. In the summer of 1985, Pastor and Sister Miller, feeling the leading of the Lord, relinquished the pastorate of the Bolivar church.
From 1985 – 1993, B. Guilford Turner became the new pastor in August 1985. Bolivar was the home
church for him and his wife, Sue, and their two sons. In the spring of 1986, the carport and ramp were
added to the church and the parking lot was expanded due to the need for additional parking. At the annual business meeting on May 14, 1987, a committee was formed to explore the possibility of
expanding the church facility due to a need for a larger fellowship area, more Sunday School rooms and
increased sanctuary space. On November 29, 1987, the proposal was accepted unanimously by the
whole church. On November 12, 1989, the church celebrated the completion of their 400-seat complex
by dedicating it to the Lord completely debt free. Other improvements include a donated white grand
piano, the adding of the baptistry, a lighted outdoor sign, a carillon chime system, and adding a sound
booth. The Lord has faithfully enabled the church to maintain and increase its ministries. Pastor Turner
believes that the visible success of the church is directly attributable to and commensurate with
sacrificial giving to missions. On October 8, 1986, a Wednesday morning (now Tuesdays) prayer meeting
was started. The “prayer box” has become a sacred fixture through these intercessions. The video and
audio tape ministry has provided encouragement for many “shut-ins” and preserved revival and special
services for those who have been blessed by them. The choir sacrifices hours each year to provide
beautiful cantatas at Christmas and Easter. VBS is produced each year. In addition to Sunday School each week, a Jr. Church is offered during the Morning Worship service. Two annual events that have been
established are “singspiration” in May during a Sunday evening service and the youth present a “Harvest Fair” in the fall which draws people from the community. The Lord has provided a youth pastor to
oversee the youth program. The church pavilion is slated for a facelift and promotion to become the
youth center.




James & Monica Smith - Wesley & Elliott


Connie Hoffman

Connie Hoffman

Pam Pope

Pam Pope - Trustee

Bryan Ridgeway

Bryan Ridgeway


Monte Ridgeway

Danny Bowles

Danny Bowles - Trustee

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